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How green are your periods? Unlock 5% discount

For my first blog I thought I would share a snippet of my adventure to date with you - Once upon a time, sitting on the toilet and about to guiltily flush yet another tampon down into the Land of Sewers, I decided that there must be a better way… I tried wrapping it in loo roll and putting it in my bin… I quickly decided there really must be a better way as this left me feeling a bit yukky and I used quite a bit of loo roll; also not environmentally sound… Over the next months I pondered what kind of reciprocal was needed, I kept thinking about sunglasses cases that you pinched together but concluded that this would never work as need metal to snap it shut. The search went on. The Eureka moment happened at home and I remember running up the stairs heart racing armed with scissors, Sellotape a stapler and a couple of plastic bags and a nappy and some twine! The end result of this Blue Peter effort(for those of you old enough to remember that great show!) was the very first prototype of FLB… After several years of not really getting very far, I had all but given up on ever bringing my invention into being, due to a lack of funds and little progress in finding a UK manufacturer to make my bag. Until one day in 2013, my "patience-of-a-saint" patent attorney, Richard Gallafent, called to tell me that Brussels had finally granted me my patent. On hearing the news I had been waiting for, if I am truly honest, I had mixed emotions. Part of me was absolutely thrilled, and proud, that I had really invented something worthy of a patent, but another part of me was anxious as I knew this meant that I needed to come up some serious money to fund the patent process. Borrowing on our mortgage once again, I took a deep breath, paid the required fees and my patent was finally granted. It was then a case of "Oh My Goodness" this means I really have to go for it now… I did and I really hope you LOVE the result! xxx

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