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Join our period supportive movement

Supporting Female Athletes

To ensure periods are not a barrier to participating in sports create an account with us and access our sports club products and become a Period Supportive Club.

Create Sport Club Account

A supportive workplace

Create welcoming and inclusive environments for female employees and protect our rivers and oceans from period related pollution caused by flushing. Create an account to make a positive difference.

Create Workplace account

Enhance guests stay

Protect rivers and oceans, reduce blockages and ensure you make your female guests know you have thought about their need; it’s the small details that count! It’s better for the cleaners too! Create an account here for our hotel products.

Create hotel account

Empowering students

Educate on and provide the responsible way to dispose of period products and ensure fewer blockages and less pollution in our rivers and oceans. Create an account with us and access our school products.

Create school account

Reduce plastic period polution

Reduce blockages

Enhance wellbeing

Reduce stress



Use these informative graphics in your public spaces to show support for our Period Supportive Movement

No Bin?! No Problem Cubicle Poster

No Bin?! No Problem Cubicle Poster

Easy Period Disposal Cubicle Poster

Easy Period Disposal Cubicle Poster

Sustainability Cubicle Poster

Sustainability Cubicle Poster

Become Period Supportive Letter

Become Period Supportive Letter