From a farm to a yacht - how hospitality starts in the bathroom

From a farm to a yacht - how hospitality starts in the bathroom

How green are your periods? Unlock 5% discount

If you've ever looked at your calendar and seen that your period coincides with your holiday, then you'll know that sinking feeling. Not everyone finds it easy managing those extra bathroom trips when travelling, and the provision for periods varies widely, wherever you stay. It's not just camping that can have unwelcoming toilet facilities. Even grand hotels seem to forget about this basic function. They certainly don't want you flushing your tampons and pads, ruining their plumbing, but the bags provided are not very twentieth century (and we're not just talking about the crinolined lady pictured on the bags!). Luckily, times are changing. We're proud to be working with some wonderful people in the hospitality business who are offering FabLittleBags to their guests, for very different reasons. One special place is Great Barn Farm in Norfolk. The uber-modern decor of these stunning converted barns make them a fantastic place to stay, as does their blissful location in remote countryside. But being off the beaten track means all plumbing leads to the septic tank. Flushing sanitary items simply isn't an option here. We're delighted that guests herecan now enjoy fit-for-purpose disposal with FabLittleBags, along with the rest of the farm's charms. From the wide open skies of Norfolk to the French Riviera! We've recently been contacted by the person in charge of supplying toiletries to the yachts that grace that beautiful coastline. Not only do their clients require the best of everything, but on board a yacht is yet another place where you don't want a blocked toilet (not that we can think of a good place for a blockage, anywhere!). We are happy to think of VIPs having Very Idyllic Periods with our FabLittleBags. More hotels are getting involved all the time. After all, the bathroom is the one facility all guests are guaranteed to use.There's nothing quite like having a clean and pleasant period to put you in the holiday mood. So if you're travelling soon, don't forget to pack your FabLittleBags (and bon voyage)!  

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