My Mate Marmite
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My husband refers to Marmite as "Marshite", the kids and I on the other hand eat it with pleasure most mornings. It is of course the ultimate love/ hate example and has managed to sneak into widespread conversational use, describing people: "she's a bit Marmite...".
What people often miss however is that within the "I love Marmite" brigade there are delicate boundaries; too strong and it is too much, not enough and it is an unsatisfactory experience. Then there is the solo/combo options; purists would not dream of adding other flavours, however I love a bit of combo action - a personal favourite of mine is marmite and peanut butter on toast, whilst my BFF loves it on toast with sliced cheese. When combined with other flavours it needs to be quite strong, but if just with butter you can enjoy the more delicate flavor. I prefer this approach when on a hot toasted crumpet or croissant! I can see your faces, but do not scoff until you have tried!
Anyway I would love to know if you are a lover or a hater and if the former what your favourite combos of the black paste are... I am sure there are some new ones out there for me to try!
Fun Facts:
- Both The Rolling Stones and Dido ask for Marmite when they are on tour.
- Apparently, if a pregnant woman eats four slices of Marmite on toast a day, there's enough folic acid to reduce the threat of children born with spina bifida.
- Marmite derives from a type of French dish; La Marmite Dieppoise is a type of fish stew, which originated in Dieppe.
- The recipe has remained unchanged in its 113 year history
- Rolling Stones, Britney and Dido are Marmite super-fans, on the other hand, Madonna thinks it's vile.