Have a fab little Christmas
How green are your periods? Unlock 5% discount
Now it's December, we can officially talk Christmas! And if you're looking for an original stocking filler, what could be fabber than a FabLittleBag? Our cute little Handbag Packs are a great way to introduce a friend or relative to the your discovery and are just the right size to stuff a stocking!
The packs come with a reusable case, which is sturdy enough to survive your handbag, and have 5 of the geniussanitary disposal bags tucked inside. If you're still not sure, let Logan the dog convince you, in our festive film here. High fives all round!
Now if we can only teach Logan how to work the FabLittleBag finger loops.... that's got to be our resolution for the new year!
Friend, daughter or sister - they won't get another gift like FabLittleBag. After all, it's the only sanitary bag that's not see-through (who on earth thought a transparent disposal bag was a good idea?), the only one with a peel 'n' seal closure, the only one that's made with 35% waste material so it bio-degrades, and of course the only one you can open one-handed, thanks to the clever finger loops.
Most of all, with feel good disposal sorted, it takes the angst out of having your period.
If you want to hold on to that feel good feeling, why not support a charity that gives menstrual products to vulnerable women, such as those who are homeless or in refuges? Whether you donate money or spare sanitary products, it would be greatly appreciated by those who still have to deal with their period in the most difficult situations. And it's definitely in the Christmas spirit!
Wishing you a fab festive season xx