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Transform Your Gym into a Period-Supportive Space

The Hidden Issue Affecting Your Gym

Periods & The Gym: What Gym Owners Don’t See

For many women, working out on their period isn’t just about cramps or energy levels—it’s about managing the constant mental checklist that comes with bleeding while exercising.

💭 The Silent Worries Women Face at Your Gym:

  • "Did I leak?" – After lifting weights, running, or even stretching in yoga, many women check their leggings for signs of a leak. If they have, they need to clean the equipment before anyone notices.
  • "Where do I change?" – Carrying a tampon or pad from the locker room to the toilet can feel awkward, resorting to smuggling products in their waistband or up their sleeve.
  • "Will the bin be full, or worse—disgusting?" – Wrapping a used pad in toilet paper and stuffing it in an overflowing bin is far from ideal.
  • "Can I even change?" – Changing a tampon or pad in a public changing room often means finding a way to discreetly carry supplies, while worrying about hygiene and convenience.

Your Gym Can Lead the Change

Having period products within reach could be the difference between a confident workout and cutting it short. By becoming a Period-Supportive Gym, you eliminate these silent worries and make working out stress-free for female members.

Do women Flush or a Bin?

FabLittleBag Investigates

periods at the gym women

Easier Period Management

Provide FabLittleBag dispensers in cubicles – So women can discreetly dispose of products without worry.
Ensure easy access to period products – So no one has to awkwardly hide a tampon on the way to the loo.
Reduce flushing & plumbing issues – Because when bins are clean, accessible, and odour-free, women are less likely to flush.
Encourage a gym culture that supports women – A gym that understands period challenges is a gym women feel confident returning to.

Support women every day of the month.

The only discreet, hygienic, and sustainable period disposal solution. Reduce plumbing issues, improve hygiene, and enhance member experience by providing an easy, stress-free way to manage periods. A small change that makes a big impact on member satisfaction, cleanliness, and sustainability.


Join the Period-Supportive Movement Today

It’s time to step up and make a real difference in your gym. Be a gym that supports women every day of the month.

Your gym supports women through every squat, sprint, and stretch—now, support them through their cycle too.

Sign Up

FabLittleBags live up to their name and are Fab!  I love that they seal closed, are sustainably sourced and actually make binning these things feel good! ”

Shaunagh Brown

Shaunagh Brown

Ex-England and Harlequins Rugby Player

I hate working out on my period—worrying about leaks, sneaking a tampon to the loo, and dealing with gross bins is the worst. With FabLittleBag, there's no mess, no stress, and no embarrassment. Every gym should have them!"

Sarah Law

Sarah Law

Rower & Gym member

Since introducing FabLittleBag at our gym, we've had amazing feedback from our female members. It’s a simple but powerful way to show we care about their experience. Plus, it’s helped reduce plumbing issues and made our facilities easier to maintain. Every gym should have them!"

Facilities Manager

Facilities Manager

Independent Gym

Create a Gym Environment That Supports Women – Every Day of the Month

Create a gym environment where women feel supported every day of the month with FabLittleBag—enhancing member experience, improving hygiene, reducing plumbing costs, and showcasing your commitment to sustainability.

Products for Gyms

Dispenser Starter Kit

Dispenser Starter Kit

FabLittleBag Dispenser

FabLittleBag Dispenser

Hotel, Guesthouse & Yacht Room Packs x2 FLB per pack

Hotel, Guesthouse & Yacht Room Packs x2 FLB per pack

HyGeeni Disposal Bags

HyGeeni Disposal Bags

Multipack Buy 'The Sixer' FabLittleBag

Multipack Buy 'The Sixer' FabLittleBag

Refills For Dispenser/ 100 FabLittleBags

Refills For Dispenser/ 100 FabLittleBags

Starter Pack of FabLittleBags + Carry Case

Starter Pack of FabLittleBags + Carry Case